DESCRIPTION: Marks are useful when you are working in various places of a file or working in various files. You may need to jump to that place quite frequently. At this situation marks just do great.
1. List all marks :marks - Shows a list of marks 2. Marked file places, and global file places m - start marking a-z - for places within file A-Z - for places within global 3. Go to specified mark g' - start mark selection a-z - for places within file A-Z - for places within global i.e. g'C will go to C marked file place g'c will go to c marked place within the file 4. Deleting marks :delmarks a b C V - deletes the provided marks i.e. a b C and V
DESCRIPTION: Now about some buffers. These are files loaded in your current session of VIM.
5. List all buffers :buffers - to see all buffers list in current session 6. Working with buffer(s) :b 1 - b stands for buffer and 1 stands for the buffer number. This will load the buffer number 1 to your VIM window Alternatively you can give the name of the file and press <tab> to crawl all the relative names. 7. Deleting buffer(s) :bdelete! N1 N2 ... :bdelete! {bufname} N1 N2 stands for buffer number to delete alternatively you can give the buffer name and press <tab> to select the exact file you want to unload from buffer list
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