Saturday, February 10, 2024

Protecting Your Android Device: The Dangers of Overheating and Overcharging

In the fast-paced digital age we live in, our smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. From staying connected with loved ones to managing our work and personal schedules, our Android devices serve as our lifelines. However, with increased usage and dependency on these devices, we often overlook the potential dangers associated with overheating and overcharging.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the risks of overheating and overcharging your Android device, and discuss how the System MonCon app can help mitigate these dangers.

Understanding the Dangers

Overheating and overcharging are two common issues that Android device users may encounter. While smartphones are designed to handle a certain level of heat and charging, prolonged exposure to high temperatures and excessive charging can lead to serious consequences.

1. Overheating:

Android devices can overheat due to various factors such as prolonged usage, exposure to direct sunlight, or running resource-intensive apps. When your device overheats, it not only affects its performance but also poses potential risks to your safety and the longevity of your device.

  • Performance Degradation: Overheating can cause your device to slow down, freeze, or crash, making it difficult to carry out tasks effectively.
  • Battery Damage: Excessive heat can degrade your device's battery health over time, leading to reduced battery life and increased risk of battery swelling or leakage.
  • Safety Hazards: In extreme cases, overheating can pose safety hazards such as battery explosions or device malfunction, putting both you and your device at risk.

2. Overcharging:

Overcharging occurs when you leave your device plugged in for extended periods after it has reached full battery capacity. While modern smartphones are equipped with built-in mechanisms to prevent overcharging, leaving your device plugged in overnight or for prolonged periods can still have negative consequences.

  • Battery Wear: Overcharging accelerates the wear and tear of your device's battery, leading to reduced overall battery lifespan and capacity.
  • Heat Generation: Charging generates heat, and when your device remains plugged in for long periods, it can lead to excessive heat buildup, further exacerbating the risk of overheating.
  • Energy Waste: Overcharging not only harms your device's battery but also wastes electricity, contributing to unnecessary energy consumption and higher utility bills.

Introducing System MonCon: Your Guardian Against Overheating and Overcharging

System MonCon is an innovative Android application designed to monitor and manage various aspects of your device's performance, including temperature, battery health, and charging status. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, System MonCon serves as your guardian against the dangers of overheating and overcharging.

Key Features of System MonCon:

  1. Temperature Monitoring: System MonCon provides real-time monitoring of your device's temperature, allowing you to stay informed about any temperature fluctuations that may indicate potential overheating issues. By keeping track of your device's temperature, you can take proactive measures to prevent overheating and avoid potential damage.
  2. Battery Health Analysis: With System MonCon, you can assess the health of your device's battery and track its performance over time. The app provides valuable insights into battery capacity, charge cycles, and usage patterns, empowering you to make informed decisions about your device's battery management.
  3. Charging Optimization: System MonCon offers advanced charging optimization features to help you maximize your device's battery lifespan and efficiency. The app allows you to set charging limits, schedule charging times, and receive alerts when your device reaches full charge, helping you avoid the pitfalls of overcharging.
  4. Resource Management: In addition to temperature and battery monitoring, System MonCon offers resource management tools to optimize your device's performance. You can view CPU usage, memory usage, and running processes, allowing you to identify and close resource-intensive apps that may contribute to overheating.
  5. Customizable Alerts: System MonCon allows you to customize alerts and notifications based on your preferences. Whether you want to be notified when your device overheats, reaches full charge, or experiences abnormal battery behavior, the app keeps you informed and empowered to take action.


In conclusion, the dangers of overheating and overcharging pose significant risks to the performance, safety, and longevity of your Android device. However, with the help of innovative solutions like System MonCon, you can proactively monitor, manage, and mitigate these risks, ensuring optimal performance and safety for your device.

By leveraging the powerful features of System MonCon, you can take control of your device's temperature, battery health, and charging habits, empowering you to safeguard your device against the perils of overheating and overcharging.

Download System MonCon today from the Google Play Store and take the first step towards protecting your Android device from potential harm. Stay informed, stay proactive, and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your device is in safe hands.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Encrypt Decrypt file(s) using Openssl

Wonder how to encrypt file(s) using openssl with a password?
Check my video :)

For password I have used des3 encryption in openssl.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Secure SSH Login to Your Ubuntu VPS

Change SSH Port to something else.

Using something other than the default Port 22 for the ssh server can help avoid attacks by script kiddies. To do so, run command to edit the ssh config file: ~
[09:41:40]⌘  vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find out Port 22, change to Port 22222 or any other number between 1024 and 65536. After this step, you can do SSH access by running below command: ~
[09:42:40]⌘  ssh -l root -p 22222

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Setting up Push-to-Deploy with git


  • I have a computer at home/office.
  • We have a VPS on web.
  • On VPS we have a location for our website i.e. /var/www/
  • I need a version control system.
  • I don't want to develop and upload changes manually.
  • I want to push a specific branch i.e. www to vps for deployment.
How can I achieve my goal? Find below the answer:

1. Lets create an example directory first.

Lets create a temp directory and then create sub-directories under it. ~
[06:43:00]⌘  mkdir test && cd test ~/test
[06:43:14]⌘  mkdir vps dev www

dev = My development computer
vps = Virtual Private Server on Internet
www = i,e, /var/www/

2. Setup a --bare git repo in vps. ~/test
[06:43:33]⌘  cd vps ~/test/vps
[06:45:51]⌘  git init --bare
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/mahesh/test/vps/

3. Setup git repo in dev, add remote and do initial commit. (BARE:master) ~/test/vps
[06:45:59]⌘  cd ../dev ~/test/dev
[06:49:16]⌘  git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/mahesh/test/dev/.git/ (master #) ~/test/dev
[06:49:31]⌘  git remote add origin ../vps (master #) ~/test/dev
[06:50:15]⌘  echo "Test line 1" >> file.txt (master #) ~/test/dev
[06:50:40]⌘  git add . (master #) ~/test/dev
[06:50:50]⌘  git commit -m "Initial commit."
[master (root-commit) 1683234] Initial commit.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 file.txt (master) ~/test/dev
[06:51:07]⌘  git push origin master
Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 231 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ../vps
 * [new branch]      master -> master

4. How to publish?

At this point we are still unable to publish anything inside www directory. Now what can I do? Humm..., this is where hooks come to picture. Lets create a hook (post-receive) inside vps to track new pushes. (master) ~/test/dev
[06:51:21]⌘  cd ../vps/hooks (BARE:master) ~/test/vps/hooks
[07:02:04]⌘  touch post-receive (BARE:master) ~/test/vps/hooks
[07:02:28]⌘  chmod +x post-receive

Lets get inside post-receive and write some code as per requirement. (BARE:master) ~/test/vps/hooks
[07:02:49]⌘  vim post-receive

  1 #!/bin/bash
  3 read oldrev newrev refname
  4 echo "Old revision  : $oldrev"
  5 echo "New revision  : $newrev"
  6 echo "Reference name: $refname"
  8 BRANCH=${refname#refs/heads/}
 10 echo "Pushed branch : $BRANCH"
 12 if [ $BRANCH = www ]; then
 13         export GIT_WORK_TREE=/Users/mahesh/test/www
 14         git checkout -f www
 15         echo "Published."
 16 else
 17         echo "Push on branch www to publish"
 18 fi

So fare so good. Lets test it out right away. (BARE:master) ~/test/vps/hooks
[07:10:50]⌘  cd ../../dev (master) ~/test/dev
[07:14:13]⌘  git branch www && git checkout www
Switched to branch 'www' (www) ~/test/dev
[07:14:44]⌘  git push origin www
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Old revision  : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
remote: New revision  : 168323487f78ac6e03022ed4b456e1c0e95af21b
remote: Reference name: refs/heads/www
remote: Pushed branch : www
remote: Switched to branch 'www'
remote: Published.
To ../vps
 * [new branch]      www -> www (www) ~/test/dev
[07:15:28]⌘  ls ../www

Note: If you push in master branch, new updates will not be published as condition specified in post-receive source code.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Bash script - utility bin

Bash utility script files for all.
Can be useful for linux based OS users. Below is the location.

Fork, contribute or comment is welcome. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Start a Simple Web Server from Any Director

If you haven't installed Python yet, do it right away. This thing requires Python and it's available as a module inside Python.

Navigate to the directory using your terminal window where you want the web server to start and issue the following command:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

It will start the web server right away.

Open web browser and goto:

Enjoy :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Screen Lock app for Android

Screen Lock app for Android by Prahallad is very handy for quickly locking off the device. Just a click to turn off the screen and lock the device. Animations are their so you can turn off with style. There
are various options to use the app quite smoothly. And the important thing is; it has no bugs at all, and found to be working perfectly in almost all the devices. Most such apps fail to work right on Android 4.0 and above but this Screen Lock app works just perfect and act as unbeaten from its 100s of competitors.

You get lots of options to use Screen Lock app as you need:
  1. Create a shortcut
  2. Use widget
  3. Enable in notification area
  4. Shake to lock the device
  5. Screen on and off without locking the device (Available in Pro version). Very useful one.
Features include with lock:
  1. Enable vibration upon lock
  2. Adjust vibration strength
  3. Enable lock and unlock sound
  4. Select sounds already present in your device
The development team has promised to give more features with the upcoming future releases. Some of the interesting features to be expected are:
  1. Custom name for the shortcut
  2. Various icons to choose
  3. Awesome device movement to Lock and to wakeup the device. (Will be very interesting to use)
The very interesting part is the flexibility provided with Transition Animation Scale. Unlike other such apps, this app adjusts itself with the value as set in your device, making the animation smoother and make it a perfect app. Also no screen flickering after lock is really awesome. Not to mention the icon provided with free and with pro version of this app is just outstanding.